Acupressure Points for Insomnia

Sleep disorders can be very problematic for people suffering from insomnia. Each year, 30% of adults experience short-term insomnia while 10% have long-lasting insomnia. People with insomnia can have difficulty falling asleep at night, problems staying awake during the day, and excessive levels of tiredness, anxiety, and stress.


While there are many treatments for insomnia, many people opt to look for natural options. For those, one popular way to address anxiety is through triggering of acupressure points. There are many acupressure points that can help relieve problems experienced from insomnia. Let’s take a look at some of the more effective ones.



Behind Ear


An Mian is one of the most successful acupressure points for treating anxiety. This is also a very easy pressure point to find and trigger. An Mian is located just behind your ear. Simply place your finger behind your earlobe and move it around until you find the bony area that protrudes. This is the An Mian. Utilize very light pressure for thirty seconds to a minute to activate.


The name of this pressure point literally means Peaceful Sleep, a testament to its use in helping facilitate rest. This acupressure point is not only beneficial in helping with insomnia but has also been shown to be successful in reducing anxiety, headaches, and vertigo. It is also believed to potentially aid in helping with depression; however, further research is needed in order to confirm this.


Wrist Below Fifth Finger


This is a very easy acupressure point to trigger that can greatly help with sleep. HT 7 is also known as Shenmen, which means Spirit Gate. It is named this because it is believed to serve as a gate to access our spirit, mind, and emotion. It is a fairly common point utilized by practitioners that can help relieve energy blockage and free up the mind. In this case, it can free the mind to rest.


HT 7 is found on the palm side of your hand. Simply hold your hand towards you, palm facing up. On the side of your wrist that aligns with your little finger, feel for a small, hollow space. This is the acupressure point. You will want to do these one at a time, obviously. Provide firm, gentle pressure in either a circular of and up and down motion. Do this for two to three minutes on each hand.


Triggering this acupressure point is useful for helping with insomnia and a number of other issues that can arise from it such as stress and anxiety. It has also been shown to help with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This is truly a multi-faceted pressure point.




Near Achilles Tendon


KD 3 is known as Taixi or the Great Ravine. It has been clinically demonstrated to help with insomnia. In fact, a research study of 75 participants into use of HT 7 and KD 3 revealed that these points significantly improved sleep quality for middle-aged and older persons with hypertension while also providing improvement in blood pressure.


Finding this acupressure point means turning to the lower ankle. Start by placing fingers pincher-like between your Achilles tendon and your foot. Slowly move your hand up and down until you find an indention close to your heel. This is the pressure point. Lightly apply pressure for up to two minutes on one foot at a time.


This point has been shown to relieve insomnia. However, it has other benefits as well. One of its primary uses is to relieve lower back pain. It also can help relieve heel and ankle pain.



Back of Neck


The GB 20 acupressure point is known as Feng Chi, or the Wind Pool. It is actually two points, both located on the back of the neck. Finding this one can be a bit difficult at first, but once located, is easy to find repetitively. Find the bony protrusion behind your ears (mastoid bone). Trace your fingers down until you feel your neck muscles. This is GB 20.


For this acupressure point, you will want to stimulate both acupressure points at once. To do this, the most effective way is to clasp your hands together with your fingers interlaced with one another. Place your hands over your head to the back of your neck and put your thumbs on the pressure points. Use either circular or up and down movements to apply gentle pressure for about fifteen seconds. As you do this, you will want to take deep breaths.


In addition to facilitating sleep, the GB 20 acupressure point also can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve symptoms from coughing and respiratory distress. It is one of the most effective acupressure points that can be easily used at home.



Bridge of Nose


The Ying Tang is a very easy acupressure point to find and also one that has a myriad of uses. This point translates to Hall of Impressions, meaning that it functions somewhat of a gateway to the mind.


This point is located just below the area known as the third eye. It can be found directly between the eyes in the indention of the bridge of your nose. To trigger this particular acupressure point, you will want to place your thumb and index finger in a pinching-like manner at this point. Next, you will want to lightly apply pressure. It is very important that the pressure is light in order to not overwhelm the senses. You can also use a back-and-forth motion in a massage-like manner. Do this for about ten seconds at a time.


This point is known for helping with insomnia, pain relief (particularly facial pain), headaches, stress, and anxiety. It is also thought that it may be beneficial in helping with some cardiovascular concerns; however, more research is needed in this area.


Final Thoughts


Insomnia can be a difficult condition that causes a great deal of stress for people. However, these acupressure points can provide some relief and help increase the likelihood of the ability to fall asleep and a more restful night of sleep. Aculief is invested in natural healing and helping educate others about how to embrace natural healing techniques to help augment their life. Skip over the counter medications and give these points a try for some sleep!